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Career & Business Coaching | Mediation | Mentoring & Consulting | Trainings

Berlin & Online

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My Offer

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Individual - Career & Business Coaching

240 euros / session (90 minutes)

Setting 1:1

Individuals (1 person)

Your space for personal development


In the phase of professional (re)orientation - with many opportunities, challenges and possibly a rollercoaster of emotions - our talks offer you a “safe space” to deal with your current issues and find your own path. I have an open ear for you, support you with systemic questions and methods and provide structure and commitment.


The change starts with you


You are the expert for yourself and your life. You already have the answers to your questions within you and just need a little help to access them. Your individual skills, strengths and talents are the basis. 




  • Professional (re)orientation

  • Resilience, life balance & mental health

  • Personal development & leadership skills

  • Conflicts in the work environment, e.g. with managers and/or colleagues

  • Internal conflicts that can have a direct or indirect impact on your work (e.g. decisions, values & priorities) 

Team Mediation

From 340 euros / session (90 minutes)

Setting 1:2+

Groups & Teams (from 2 people)

With each other instead of next to each other​


The focus lies on strengthening working relationships and creating a harmonious, supportive environment in which everyone finds their place, grows together and supports each other. This holistic approach promotes understanding and cohesion and makes it possible to tackle both individual and joint challenges.  


​Psychological safety


The basis for successful & content teams is psychological safety. This means that everyone must feel heard. Topics such as cooperation & interacting with each other are thus an important starting point. Topics such as structures, responsibilities and goals logically follow from here.




  • Improving communication between employees, colleagues and managers and promoting mutual understanding

  • Conflict resolution

  • Strengthening team cohesion & increasing motivation 

  • Dealing with individual challenges that affect working life

  • Developing shared values and structures


  • Professional (re)orientation

  • Skills, strengths & talents

  • Change management

  • Work structures

  • Personal development

  • Leadership skills

  • Values & priorities

  • Decision Making

  • Resilience

  • Life Balance

  • Mental Health

  • Beliefs

  • Interests & Needs

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Communication


  • Development of professional goals and ambitions

  • Increasing satisfaction, motivation and fulfillment

  • Improving and strengthening interpersonal relationships

  • Promoting healthy work structures

  • Building social skills: Communication and conflict resolution


  • Safe space for open communication: Strict confidentiality and professional moderation

  • Self-determined and sustainable solution finding: Individual creative solution approaches

  • Individual and flexible process: Consideration of specific needs and circumstances

  • Time and cost efficient: Faster, cheaper and more sustainable than legal proceedings

My Conditions

  • Free Introductory Call “Chemistry Call” (via Zoom or telephone, up to 30 minutes)

  • Individuals: Single session 270 euros (90 minutes) / 3-session package (3 sessions within 5 months) 750 euros (250 euros per session) / 5-session package (5 sessions within 7 months) 1,200 euros (240 euros per session)

  • Groups & Teams: Single session 370 euros (90 minutes) / 3-session package (3 sessions within 5 months) 1,050 euros (350 euros per session) / 5-session package (5 sessions within 7 months) 1,700 euros (340 euros per session)

  • All prices plus VAT

  • Session location: Berlin or online

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© Karen Julia Korfmacher


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Pictures: Jens Ahner

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