Relationship Counseling & Couple Therapy | Mediation | Coaching | Workshops
Berlin & Online

My Offer
Individual Setting
(Setting 1:1)
“In no other form of life than in a relationship do you get so close to yourself.” - Arnold Retzer
When one person in a relationship changes, the relationship as a whole changes.
Group Setting
(Setting 1:2+ / 1:3+)
“A happy relationship is a conversation that never ends.” - André Maurois
All people in the relationship are involved in the process to ensure that issues can be considered comprehensively and from all perspectives. This creates enormous potential for change - both for each individual person in the relationship as well as for the relationship as a whole.
WELCOME: LGBTQIA+ & Poly-Community

180 euros / session (90 minutes)
Setting 1:1
Individuals (1 person)
Relationships as Catalysts for Personal Development
Relationships are powerful catalysts for personal development. They offer you the opportunity to deal with both external and internal conflicts - whether in dealing with other people or in reflecting on your own values and life choices. Through these processes, you can gain deeper self-knowledge and develop your full potential.
The change starts with you
When you change yourself, your relationships transform as well. Meaning that your personal development not only enriches your own life, but can also effect positive changes in your relationships - so you basically kill two birds with one stone.
Conflicts within relationships, such as partners, family members, friends, managers, colleagues
Internal conflicts that can directly or indirectly affect your relationships (e.g. major decisions, values, life balance, priorities)
Challenges in communication and mutual understanding
Dealing with expectations, differences and disappointments in relationships
Setting 1:2+
Couples, Romantic Relationships, Partnerships
(from 2 people)
Grow together and strengthen your relationship
Focus on your relationship, your communication and your conflicts. This holistic approach opens up enormous potential for change - both for each individual person and for the relationship as a whole. The involvement of all people in the relationship enables comprehensive perspectives to be taken into account and sustainable changes to be achieved.
Individual Development in the context of the relationship
While working together, individual inner conflicts of each person in the relationship can also be addressed - whenever they directly or indirectly influence the relationship or existing conflicts. This approach enables you to get to know both yourselves and each other better, allowing you to shape your future based on your interests and needs.
Development of transparent, emotional communication and secure communication & conflict rules
Effective conflict resolution within the relationship
Getting to know each other anew and increasing mutual understanding
Dealing with individual challenges that affect your relationship
Shaping a joint future that meets the interests and needs of all

From 225 euros / session (90 minutes)

From 270 euros / session (90 minutes)
Setting 1:3+
Families & Groups
(from 3 people)
With each other instead of next to each other
Focus on strengthening intergenerational relationships and creating a harmonious, supportive environment in which everyone finds their place, grows together and supports one another. This holistic approach promotes understanding and cohesion and makes it possible to address both individual and shared challenges.
Integrating cross-generational perspectives
Families often consist of several generations, each with different values, needs and views. By actively involving all family members - regardless of generation - issues can be viewed from different perspectives and resolved together. This creates enormous potential for change that affects not only the well-being of each individual, but also the entire family.
Improving communication between generations and promoting mutual understanding
Conflict resolution in the face of differing expectations and views on life
Strengthening family bonds despite different ages and stages of life
Dealing with individual challenges that affect family life
Development of common values and structures that enrich family life and connect across generations
The focus lies on your topics & change objectives - everything that deserves attention right now. You decide what you want to discuss in your “external negotiation room”.
Life Balance
Attachment Types
Inner Beliefs
Languages of Love
Intimacy & Closeness
Division of Tasks
Jealousy & Trust
Long-distance Relationship
Separation & New Beginning
Improving and strengthening interpersonal relationships
Promoting healthy relationship dynamics
Proactive prevention: tackling challenges before they lead to serious conflict
Building relationship skills: Communication and conflict resolution
Developing shared goals and aspirations
Safe space for open communication: Strict confidentiality and professional moderation
Self-determined and sustainable solution finding: Individual creative solutions based on the understanding and cooperation of all parties involved
Individual and flexible adaptation of the process: Consideration of specific needs and circumstances
Time and cost efficient: Faster, cheaper and more sustainable than court proceedings
My Conditions
Free Introductory Call "Chemistry Call" (via Zoom or telephone, up to 30 minutes)
Basic price per session for one person: 180 euros; 45 euros are added for each additional person
Session length: 90 minutes
All prices as total prices (including VAT)
Venue: Berlin or online
I will gladly provide optional “Research Tasks” for you to do at home prior to the next session
These are my PERSONAL prices (private individuals), my BUSINESS prices (companies) differ from these. If you as a company are interested in mediation, coaching and/or training & workshops for your employees and teams, you can find more information here .